
One remark upfront.

Existingconching systems will not be replaced. They will be equipped with our technology. Regardless of the manufacturer or configuration.

Almost nothing has changed in the field of conches for over a hundred years. Conches are a conventional boiler design. The rotors plow through the  chocolate mass, whereby only a small part is effectively processed.

Howthe machines work

Mostof the energy is used to drive the rotors, i.e. for stirring.

"Realdry conching with constant high energy input when driving the rotors,which leads to lower viscosity values ....."

Astatement from almost all conching suppliers.

Note the expression "constant high energy input"

However, an energy input without low utilization of the same makes little sense. Let us consider the forces introduced by the rotors and the resistances, i.e. the opposing forces in the chocolate mass. Thereare several thousand kilos of mass in a tank. The high viscosity creates a back pressure that cannot be controlled and gradually decreases. If you want to change the rheology of the chocolate and processes such as the separation of air, water and bitter substances, you have to add a considerable amount of energy. However, as the masscan only counteract the counterpressure of its own weight in conjunction with the low viscosity, this pressure is limited. The flow behavior and the shear effect are not really taken into account. High energy input in order to then mechanically convert this into heat makes just as little sense.

The edges of theblades and the clipper blades on the rotors are not sharp. They alsowear out quickly. Even if the sugar still has a maximum crystal sizeof 20μ, these crystals act like sandpaper on the material.

Tounderstand. Commonly used P400 sandpaper has a grain size of 36μ, P800 has a grain size of 22μ.

Ourlatest, patented technology

for processing cocoa into chocolate is based on different principles. Theresult of our developments are high-tech machines that do this workvery energy-efficiently, save up to 80% of energy and make theconching process five to ten times faster.

Existing conching systems do not need to be replaced; our technologies can be installed during operation and only take a few minutes to connect. This makes this technology very economical to install and operate.

Our technologies offer maximum customer benefit.

Available machines

Several versions as dry-conche, wet conche, combi-conche, rolling-mill inmodular system all with the same base.


-PC with two housings, each with one or two particle crushers

This machine crushes particles inliquid chocolate or fat masses

-Deaerator 9 tons / h, stackable

-Deaerator Mini 600kg / h, stackable

-Temperingmachine and pre-Crystallizer in a modular system

all patented

Prototype of the Knobel Conche